21 Feet of History

602 Main Street - Leo's Good Food
Interesting Item
In 1884 Morris Bennett owned a drug and jewelry store on what is now 612 Main, the present site of the American Legion. Ward & Frieburg owned a drug store two doors to the north at what is now part of Wild Roots.
Sometime before 1882, Bennett purchased the building on the corner of this block, the present site of Leo's.
Ward & Frieburg had purchased a building across the street at 613 Main, the present site of State Farm Insurance. Ward & Frieburg sold this building to the Crain Brothers in 1892.
Bennett sold his business to Peasley in 1899 and it became known as Peasley's Corner Drug. In 1901 Peasley sold the building to the Crain Brothers but retained the inventory. Peasley sold the inventory in 1904 to Sabin who opened a store at another location.
Crain Brothers sold the business to Warne & Schwartz in 1906. Crain Brothers also had an express agency that met the trains then proceeded to deliver the freight around town.
1884-Bank of Redfield, Clothing
1892-Bennett Drug and Jewelry, Packard General Store
1898-Bennett Drug, Packard Dry Goods, Merchants Bank, Thayer Barber upstairs, Hopkins Ice Cream Alongside
1904-Crain Drug and Express Agency, A.B. Darling Real Estate upstairs, Redfield National Bank, German American Bank
1906-Warne Schwartz purchased the Drug Store
1910-Warne Schwartz Drug, Merchants Bank, Berge the Tailor upstairs
1914- Warne became sole owner
1916- Warne Drug, Dragseth Tailor upstairs
1923- Warne Drug, Spink County National Bank
1925-Brick two-story Building was Erected, with a 6-inch wall between businesses
1925-1930-Warne Drug, Redfield National Bank
1938- First National Bank of Aberdeen purchased Redfield National Bank
1938-1950-Warne Drug and First National Bank
1958-First National Bank purchased the entire building, removing the second story and wall between
1960-1980-First National Bank
Also known as the Bennett Block
Redfield, SD 57469