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Redfield Alerts:


Pheasantennial Banquet


was held on October 30, 2019 at Shanty Haven - 1223 5th St W - Redfield SD 57469

350 attended the banquet


Gun Winner

Gun Raffle Winner
Byron Goetsch


Pheasantennial Celebration

Commemorating SD's 1st Pheasant Hunting Season
A one-day hunt held on Oct. 30, 1919 in Spink County


 Welcome - Randy Maddox

 National Anthem - Miranda Mack

 Introductions - Randy Maddox

 SD Lt. Governor - Larry Rhoden

 Grace - Father Tom Anderson

 Prime Rib Meal

 Redfield Mayor - Jayme Akin

 SD Magazine Editor-at-Large
 Bernie Hunhoff

 Music by 2017 Miss South Dakota
 Miranda Mack

 Gun Raffle for the Commemorative
 Beretta 12 gauge A400 shot gun
 Donated by: Redfield Ringneck Association

 Closing Remarks - Randy Maddox


Miranda Mack, Miss SD 2017Miranda Mack,
Miss SD 2017

Lt. Gov Larry Rhoden
SD Lt. Gov

Mayor AkinMayor Akin

Bernie HunhoffBernie Hunhoff
SD Magazine


Randy & Lt. Gov

Longest Tail Feather                                                     Longest Tail Feather

Randy Maddox and Lieutenant Govenor Rhoden




(click on photo for a larger view)

Mayor AkinMayor Akin

Miranda MackMiranda Mack

Pheasant BanquetPheasantennial Banquet

Official GreeterOfficial Banquet Greeter

WinnerRandy Maddox & Byron Goetsch

BanquetMayor Jayme Akin & Bernie Hunhoff

Lt. GovenorLt. Govenor





Pheasant Release

Pheasant Release

Pheasant Release


Pheasant Release


Pheasant Release


Pheasant Release

Pheasant Release


Pheasant Mural



Quilt Winner

Florence Frericks - Quilt Winner

This beautiful Pheasant Quilt commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the first Pheasant Hunt, October 30, 1919.

Florence Fericks is the quilt winner


Proceeds went toward the Kathy Maddox Model Train Project.








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Redfield College 1885-1932

Redfield College was begun in 1885 by the pastor and congregation of the German Evangelical Congregational Church. It continued until 1932 when it merged with Yankton College.